We were really looking forward to telling you this.

We have audited the impact of our garments and our manufacturing process and compared it to the impact of the textile industry that does not use organic or recycled materials . We explain:

A few months ago, a customer wrote us the following before placing his order:

"I think everything you say on the website about awareness , manufacturing processes and organic or recycled materials is fantastic. But I don't trust it completely. Can you send me the certificates for your garments?"

Obviously we sent them to them , but the story didn't end there. This comment made us think:

  • What if we could measure the impact of our products?
  • What if our customers wanted to know?
  • What if we tell this story so that the textile industry is more transparent ?
  • What if we audit ourselves so that everyone understands how we manufacture and the benefits our garments have versus the normal textile industry?

Well, that's what we've done and we've deployed it throughout our website . You'll be able to see it on the home page , in the product page and in the shopping cart during the purchasing process.

Together with the greenstory team, we have audited our entire manufacturing process , taking into account the impact that each phase has on the environment, placing special focus on the consumption of energy, water and CO2 emitted into the atmosphere .

We have measured:

  • Impact of raw material extraction (organic cotton and recycled polyester).
  • Impact of the treatment of this raw material .
  • Impact of transporting this raw material to the handling and manufacturing site.
  • Impact of transporting the final product to our warehouse from the place of origin.
  • Impact of shipping from our warehouse to our customers' homes.

What data has the study divided by raw material provided us with?

  • Organic cotton:

    By using 100% certified organic cotton we are able to respect the environment, eliminate the use of insecticides and pesticides in the processes as well as the use of chemical fertilizers that pollute the water. In numbers:

    • 91% reduction in water consumption vs conventional cotton.
    • 35% reduction in energy consumption in cotton handling, treatment and transportation.
    • 55% reduction in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
  • Recycled Polyester:

    We use recycled polyester from plastics and plastic substitutes in our backpacks and purses. In numbers:

    • 54% reduction in water consumption vs conventional polyester.
    • 44% reduction in energy consumption in the handling, treatment and transportation of polyester.
    • Reduction of 32% of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

It is obvious that we are part of the problem but also part of the solution.

If we manufacture with organic and recycled materials, we achieve a lower environmental impact and a longer product lifespan . At Minimalism we have always had the famous 3 Rs in mind: Reduce, recycle, reuse.

  • Reduce : We want our customers to buy from us only when they need it. We promote this, for example, with the campaign: "Don't buy it if you don't need it."
  • Recycle : We use recycled and recyclable materials in our products and packaging.
  • Reuse : With the "Zero Textile Waste" campaign we want to encourage everyone to donate or recycle the clothes they don't wear when they buy new items.

As of today, we have audited the entire manufacturing process and will soon be carbon neutral in each of our orders.

If you are interested in reading the full report, you can click on the following link.

Any questions are available at hello@minimalismbrand.com

March 23, 2021


Kristina said:

¡Me parece un proyecto alucinante! Necesitamos mucha gente con ganas de cambiar el chip de la gente, de cambiar la forma de pensar en la compra de ropa, de eliminar el concepto de compra emocional compulsiva.
Enhorabuena a tod@s!!
Una pregunta: ¿Contáis con el sello GOTS o algún otro sello que garantice el proceso de sostenibilidad en todo el proceso de creación de vuestras prendas?
Gracias por todo, un saludo!!

Kristiaan Tetteroo said:

Hola! Me gusta mucho vuestra ropa y vuestro filesofia. Pero mi pregunta es también sale la origen de algodón desde Europa o aún es importado? Así puede ser el ciclo 100% cerrado y aún más sostenible. Yo busco desde mucho tiempo marcas que quieren llegar a este nivel. Todos sostenible y producido desde el principio y el final integral en Europa.

Saludos cordiale, Kristiaan Tetteroo

Minimalism said:

Hola José Antonio.

Intentamos minorar al máximo los viajes a Portugal, pero tenemos que ir a cotejar las fábricas, controles de calidad y procesos de fabricación. Estamos estudiando la forma de hacerlo más sostenible.
¿Qué se te ocurriría? dado que, de vez en cuando, para que todo funcione, tenemos que ir.

José Antonio said:

Compro vuestros productos, son geniales.

Siguiente paso que tenéis que dar es dejar de coger aviones para hacer 400 kms de Madrid a Lisboa. Seríamos más sostenibles aún.
Un saludo a todos

Aurora said:

¡Felicidades! sois un ejemplo a seguir

Juan Jose said:

Sois unos cracks!

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