One of the main objectives we have at Minimalism is to put on the table as much information as possible so that clients and potential clients know how our t-shirts and the rest of our clothing are produced, how much margin we have with our products and to raise awareness when it comes to consuming in a more conscious and responsible way .

Today we answer one of the issues that generates the most doubts.

What is the difference between the "natural" cotton and the organic cotton we use in our clothes?

In summary:

In organic cotton cultivation , no insecticides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used , the natural cycles of the earth are favored and no toxic substances are used in the spinning and production processes.

Going into more detail on each of the processes, we can highlight the following:

Regarding production:

  • No genetically modified seeds are used.
  • Water use and retention is managed more efficiently thanks to the increase in organic matter in the soil.
  • Organic and non-chemical fertilizers such as rock dust and humus are added.
  • Crop rotation is used to make the land more productive.
  • No chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used.
  • Insects are used for pest control

Regarding the treatment and production of the garments:

  • No toxic substances are used in the spinning and production process, which increases the durability of the product.
  • The dyes used to treat the clothes are natural, causing less damage to the garment and making it more resistant.

Any process that is not backed by a 100% organic cotton certificate (certificate under which we produce our t-shirts , sweatshirts , underwear and socks ) would not comply with the points discussed above, using insecticides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, not respecting the natural cycles of the earth and using toxic substances in the spinning and production process.

In addition to the raw materials used, we must also take into account the location where the clothing is produced . We opted for Portugal, specifically in Guimaraes , less than 500 km from our logistics centre, thus reducing the carbon footprint of shipping the goods from the factory to the logistics centre from where we send our orders all over the world.

We are aware that we are part of the problem . The only way to avoid damaging the planet is to not produce or sell anything.

But we are also part of the solution . If we are all more aware of how the clothes we wear are produced, what their raw materials are, where they are made and what carbon footprint they leave, we will be doing our bit to make this world more sustainable and conscious.

Minimalism Team

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June 10, 2020


Minimalism said:

Buenas Paloma!
En este artículo puedes ver el informe completo sobre nuestros certificados:

Paloma said:

Que certificados tenéis para certificar que es algodón orgánico? No se encuentran por ningún lado

José Manuel said:

Buenas tardes. Felicitaros por vuestra apuesta ecológica. En vuestro catálogo echo en falta vaqueros y pantalones. Si os animáis a fabricarlos serían una opción para mí. Animo y mucha fuerza. Un saludo.

Mati said:

Este verano compré una camiseta de algodón orgánico y realmente la diferencia al tacto, suavidad, transpiración del tejido y diseño, me ha resultado muy agradable al contacto con mi piel.

Una pena que no se encuentren otros tipos de prendas de vestir de algodón orgánico.
Espero que en poco tiempo se confeccionen prendas de lencería que tan importante es el contacto de nuestra piel zonas íntimas para evitar las posibles alergias a otros tipos de tejidos más agresivos.
A tener en cuenta también lo importante que es ir mentalizandonos al uso de prendas respetuosas con el medioambiente

Jesús Llanos said:

Excelente forma de enfrentarse y ayudar a nuestro planeta . Felicitaciones!

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