Without a doubt this year 2020 is a before and after for us. We already told you in August as a summary how the first 6 months of the year had gone (here link to the post ); very interesting months as we launch our new brand concept and reinforce a lot the purpose and clothing collection. Well, now it's time to summarize the last 6 months and make a global review of what has been the best year since we were born.


In July we launched the first women's clothing items , a clear commitment by the team to reach more of the public and each day have a more horizontal proposal. If we want to transform the industry we need women as part of that change, we have it very clear . We have managed to sell almost 2,500 garments during these months, and 45% of the online purchases we have today are from women. Without a doubt, in the Minimalism that is coming, women will be more and more protagonists.

During the 3 months of summer and September, the numbers of orders and invoicing accompanied, we made the best summer in our history with some 1,434 online orders . We grew 70% in turnover vs. the previous year. But we also had some problems since we received the women's stock 20 days later than expected, which made us not meet the dates we had set for pre-sale. We were quite concerned about this issue since we were failing the hundreds of women who had trusted us by buying the product so long before. How do we fix it? In our style, with a simple email telling the whole truth and assuming the fatal error. It continues to surprise us in a positive way how empathetic and understandable our community is when we tell them about the problems in detail. Thank you!

We also take advantage of these summer months to continue completing the collection of basics as we launch pinkie and ankle socks in women's and men's sizes.


During this month we managed to exceed 500 monthly orders and €30k in billing, which for us was a milestone at the time. Things went very fast. On the one hand we were controlling and managing growth (investment in marketing, stock, customer service) and on the other hand we were preparing for the last quarter of the year, the most important. The people from Business Insider and TendenciasTV gave us two very good interviews, this helped us a lot to reach new audiences. We were traveling to Portugal to prepare the new products, to show you the factories and to check stock for what was coming.

Oh, and most important of all: we met the RecuMadrid team with whom weeks later we launched Zero Textile Waste.


In both October and November we were able to maintain the growth dynamics that we brought in the summer. We broke billing records again and far exceeded the milestone we had of exceeding €1,000 a day in the online store. But a lot of things happened. We launched the basic winter accessories (hats, scarves and gloves) made with recycled materials, we completed the collection with organic pants for women and men , and we launched our first collection of t-shirts with minimalist designs together with the great Timo Kuilder. In general, they were months of a lot of work and many joys. At times it was difficult to fit everything into the calendar given the amount of news we had.


We managed to make a new detail go viral that we incorporated into the garments, the label with the breakdown of prices and benefits . We already did it in the product sheets on the web but we decided to go one step further and make it possible to read it on each item of clothing you buy. The reception for us was surprising since, in addition to praise, we managed to generate a lot of debate on our social networks.

During October we launched our most important project of the year: Zero Textile Waste . From that moment we also take care of those clothes that you have in the closet and no longer use. It is something that we had been preparing for months and that we were not able to finalize until we met the RecuMadrid team and they helped us shape it (thanks again from here).

Black Friday, the most extreme we have ever done. In addition to not making any sales in all of November, during that Friday we did not allow anyone to buy if you did not donate your old clothes in return. It was our way of positioning ourselves against this madness of unnecessary consumerism, and also taking advantage of it to promote our Zero Textile Residue service.

We also obtained the Fiscal Footprint certificate in Spain and published a video showing our factories in Portugal from the inside.


During previous weeks we had already incorporated both Iván and Paloma into the team to help us attract paid traffic and customer service, respectively. Taking a cold look back, we realize that there have been two important and necessary decisions for the growth and maturity of Minimalism, applause. With them we have been able to close the year with a spectacular month of December, selling more than 4,300 garments and greatly optimizing all the KPIs.

Together with our community, we also launched the two new Minimalism backpacks in pre-sale with a slight discount. The truth is that we are very proud of these last two products that Jesús designed with the opinions received in the survey that we published and with all the feedback obtained this last year. We are desperate for them to start reaching you and receive your feedback.

Not bad to put the icing on the cake for a different, special and historic year for us. We are very, very much looking forward to 2021. We leave you the main numbers below.


€307,518 billing

45% growth vs year 2019

5268 orders

25,023 garments sold

50kg of recycled clothing

364,705 visits

1.36% conversion

€54 medium cart

5 products on average per order (we reduce carbon footprint tooooope!)

15 new episodes of the Open Startups by Minimalism podcast

Let's see what 2021 holds for us, we hope to see it with you.

Greetings from the whole team ❤️

By the way, we leave you here the last episode of the podcast where the whole team debated and analyzed the year for an hour. Very funny :)

January 12, 2021


MARTA said:

Regaláis mucha pasión con lo que hacéis
¡Que suerte de empresa!
¿No tenéis bolsa de trabajo? :)

Rubén said:

Hola Chicos! Ante todo enhorabuena por vuestro trabajo, sois geniales.
Simplemente hecho de menos lo que sí poníais en años anteriores que realmente os daba ese toque, este año no veo que mencionéis ni desgloséis la unidades vendidas por tipo de producto, unidades online/offline, ni el gasto en marketing…!

Sería muy interesante conocer todos los datos cómo siempre habíais hecho.

Un saludo!

Carmelo Ángel said:


Manuel Mas said:

Enhorabuena equipo. El buen trabajo y la pasión que ponéis da sus frutos hace que vaya todo rodado ;)
Leches, los apellidos de Pepe no dan juego.

Alex Gutiérrez said:

Conozco a Pepe desde hace varios años, uso vuestras carteras y son geniales. Hace un par de meses me animé con un pack de ropa y es de mucha calidad. Lo único que me ha parecido un poco complicado es acertar con la talla.
Seguid así, mucho éxito!

Laura said:

Muchas gracias por vuestro compromiso felicidades y a seguir creciendo

María said:

Enhorabuena!! Sois geniales.

Juan said:

Vamossssss enhorabuena

Guillermo said:

¡Felicidades, chicos! Cada vez somos más lxs fans de vuestro trabajo.

Fede Sainz de Robles said:

Sois unos cracks

Rubén said:

Enhorabuena a ti y a tu genial equipo, Víctor. Sigo sus pasos desde el otro lado del charco y creeme que han impactado en mi forma de ver los nuevos emprendimientos en los que trabajo. Te dejo un abrazo 🤗

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