We return with the summary of the last 3 months (April, May and June) of this 2018. In September we will be one year old and we are already beginning to think about what to do to celebrate it. Attention! In these months the most remarkable thing has been how fast everything has gone, the general speed that the project is taking. Things don't stop happening, some caused directly by the team and others that come by themselves.

As in the previous quarter we tell you how the numbers have been and we end with the most remarkable. Remember that from our metrics panel you can see the company's day-to-day live (billing, conversions, sales volumes...).

THE NUMBERS, from April 1 to June 30


73624 total visits

59166 unique visits

7061 visits to the blog

40.61% bounce

1min:12secs average duration of the visit

84.35% of traffic is from smartphones

Orders and conversions:

1211 orders through our ecommerce

121 orders through Amazon

Our online store had a conversion of 2.04% from unique visit to purchase

4.91% of customers have bought again


The total billing adding all the sales channels is €28,734 (we add a new sales channel, the markets and fairs we go to sell. It is 8% of the total billing)

The average income per cart is €20.34

*It is invoicing, not profitability that we later messed up ;)

Top 3 Best Selling Wallets:

325 Basic Garnet wallets

320 Basic Black wallets

179 Basic Gray wallets


We have had a great time these last 3 months, we are not going to fool ourselves. We have tested everything that has been put before us and almost everything released has worked better than expected. Since April the 3 main objectives were:

  • Get a good rate of billing. Around €300 per day combining all sales channels. With 15-20 orders per day.
  • Try new channels to capture traffic so as not to depend on Insta, Facebook and Twitter.
  • Test the product and the traffic capture channels in some South and Central American countries. Analyze costs, conversions and logistics needs.

The Amazon sales channel is starting to be relevant since the end of May when Amazon chose one of our minimalist bags as "Amazon Choice" due to the good reviews and the low return rate we have. This has helped us reach another type of customer and slightly increase daily billing. Selling on marketplaces has totally different rules than selling from your own website and we are really beginning to learn it.

From the beginning we have had an obsession: not to depend on a single channel for capturing traffic . It seems obvious but on a day-to-day basis you can easily get carried away by the sexy CPAs that have Instagram and Facebook. Shortly after the brand was born, we began to test actions on bargain blogs and large Telegram channels. This time we have gone a little further and we have sponsored the “Blockchain Minutes” podcast of the great Raúl Marcos and Pablo Ventura, we wanted to test a very specific niche to earn more in branding than in traffic. Last June 15 we also sponsored the Friday Mail, we will tell you how this action was in a specific post but we can anticipate that it is the best (and most profitable) marketing action we have ever carried out. Another great news is that we are getting almost 50% of our billing to come from organic traffic , from Google searches without doing PPC and from users who enter our website directly by recommendation. This for us and for any project is news.

If something has been cool this quarter, it was the collaborative action we did on Instagram so that our entire community could create two new bag models . It is the first time that we realized that there are hundreds of people watching the brand and wanting to participate in it. It was amazing and also two beautiful handbags came out that have a great rate of sales.

We were again at the Design Market in Matadero Madrid, we went to Valencia to the Palo Alto Market and we had the great fortune to record a podcast with the great José Carlos Cortizo and use it as the perfect excuse to celebrate that we had reached 5,000 bags in June sold. It was a lot of fun and from this post we thank you for the diffusion you have given it.

And what a great time we had testing some campaigns in Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Argentina . How well everything worked at the beginning, what good traffic acquisition costs and how fun it was to see how many customers who were thousands of kilometers away bought one of our minimalist bags and identified with our brand values. But we made the mistake that has haunted us for a long time, we believed that the logistics were much simpler than it seemed and we had clients (in some and a few cases) in which the package took 7-8 weeks to arrive. In this post we apologize and explain everything that happened, we continue working to send all the orders and soon you will have a news about this topic. Come on, come on!

We have also launched the Minimalism Ambassadors program so that you can promote our brand and our values ​​wherever you want, and you can also earn some money with it. We are already 218 people signed up and growing.

It's been 3 months at high speed, without stopping. We have not grown as a team, nor have we received external investment and we have already begun to manufacture large volumes of our products. Now summer is here and things will continue to happen.

Many more things to come, stay tuned.

If you have any questions, we are at hola@minimalism.es. We answer fixed!


July 11, 2018


Manuel said:

Podéis hablar algo de rentabilidad y coste por venta? Un gran blog, gracias por compartir la información.

Jose Sanz said:

Hola! Es interesantísima la información que proporcionáis en vuestro blog. Podríais hablar del proceso de fabricación? Fabricáis en España? Cómo encontrastéis a vuestro proveedor ideal para fabricar las carteras?


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