In just a few days we will celebrate one year since we launched the brand, our t-shirts , opened the website and received the first order. Those of you who have been reading this blog from the beginning will already know that Minimalism Brand is the way of life that Pepe (my friend and business partner) and I have.

We are creating a brand that represents us . We feel strong and eager to create a project that identifies a simple and honest type of person. Curious and hard-working. Ambitious and humble. Consistent and global. People who feel like seeking freedom and who can live as they please under respect. And last but not least, they don't care where they work and the context, these two are often excuses for many...

Pepe Martín, born in 1987, and I ( Victor Rodado ), born in 1989, are part of that Spanish generation that has been diminished by the system. We have been told many things and we have kept very few, we are not anti-system or anything like that, but that is how we feel. We were told to follow established steps to achieve "success" and boy did they trick us. If you were born in that era, you will surely understand.

We have the feeling that there is another way to do everything.

And mind you, all this business of setting up companies and risking your money is not as much of a merit as it seems when you really don't know how to do anything else. Our merit and possible personal conflict would be not working in what we like, leaving aside our lifestyle and focusing on making money.

Pepe is from Segovia, and you will always find him working, running through the mountains and smiling. He worked in all kinds of companies, saved up and went to travel for 4 months with his backpack around the world. He created Muerevacío and Be the Client . He has the great virtue of making a daily video and uploading it to his YouTube channel.

I am from Madrid, I studied (although I did not finish) the degree in Journalism and I have been setting up projects since 2009. I set up Futmi and sold Upplication . I am completely happy when I do what I want.

We started with the minimalist portfolio , detailing how we do the things that go well and the things that go wrong, opening our business and learning to everyone. Remember, you can see our numbers HERE

From now on we are going to launch different products with ourselves in mind, things that we need and that are aligned with our vision of the world. Products for travelling, working and learning. And of course we are going to continue fighting to not depend on anyone to grow the business, maybe we will ask you for help with this.

Minimalist living is the foundation , having only what you need and asking yourself if everything you have at your disposal is really useful for your day to day life. We have chosen freedom of movement, optionality and not depending on almost anything material.

We want to work from anywhere in the world, making our brand a global brand without putting any limits on its expansion.

And, most importantly, we always want to tell you what's happening in the company, how it's progressing, the problems we have, the mistakes, the numbers...everything.

We are consistent and responsible for living something that no one taught us to live, therefore, every day, we will continue learning.

We will never be just a brand that sells purses or backpacks.

Minimal life, free future.

Subscribe and don't miss anything. This year looks like it will be fun ;)

If you have any questions, you can contact us at and we will respond within 24 hours.


August 29, 2018

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