Hello hello, another quarter has passed and every day we are more convinced of what we do and how we do it. 3 months of 100% remote work from 10 different countries and making the company continue to grow in turnover and as a brand. We are going to start by showing all the numbers for this quarter and at the end of the post, as always, we will give you a summary of the highlights. Remember that you can see our turnover, conversion and traffic data from HERE .

THE NUMBERS, from April 1st to June 30th

Traffic :

  • 107,435 total views
  • 89,396 unique visits
  • 15,483 visits to the blog
  • 61.15% bounce
  • 1min:05 secs average duration of visit
  • 86.76% of traffic is from smartphones

Orders and conversions:

  • 1008 orders through our ecommerce
  • 355 orders through Amazon
  • Our online store had a conversion rate of 1.12% from unique visit to purchase
  • 7.35% of customers have returned to buy
  • We have sold 2295 products online through our online sales channels (website and Amazon)

Billing and investment:

  • The total turnover* combining all sales channels is 42.921,96€
  • The average online income per cart is €29.56
  • We have made an investment in marketing of €18,316.19

*Note that this is billing, not profit.


In terms of numbers, it has been a very similar quarter to the previous one. Even so, there are 3 relevant data to take into account:

  • Sales on Amazon continue to grow organically. Positioning work and good reviews have been helping us grow at least 10% per month since February.
  • We maintain the conversion rate, neither going up nor down from 1%. We are working on the website, landing pages, photos and texts to return to the conversion rates we had months ago.
  • We have increased the average ticket and the number of products per order. This is a direct consequence of the launch of the packs of t-shirts, wallets and backpacks . We make the customer save at least 20% and buy responsibly. We have gone from an average shopping cart of €22 in February to one of €32 in June. As a result, it is good for Minimalism, it is good for our customer and the footprint we leave in transport is smaller as more products are included in the same order.

The big change this quarter is that we have started selling clothes, basic t-shirts . A basic, useful, quality product, manufactured responsibly and made from 100% organic cotton. It has not been a random decision, as we explained in this post , and it marks the path for Minimalism for everything to come. Between now and the end of this year we have many new products and novelties prepared that will give full meaning to the work carried out in recent months.

The second big decision has been to move Minimalism away from hyperconsumption and seasonal fashion. Quality, useful and long-lasting products that you can also buy responsibly through packs. For us, selling in packs is the best way to make the company sustainable by transmitting our values ​​as a brand. Buy all the t-shirts you need for the whole week, for the whole month and for the whole year at once without having to spend a lot of money and knowing that you are buying quality.

From the end of February until today we started working 100% remotely from 10 different countries, putting into practice what is obvious to us: working from anywhere, being responsible and using tools to be productive and to be able to communicate on a daily basis. In this post we make a good summary of the good and the bad that we have experienced. If there is one thing we have realized during these months, it is that for us being delocalized makes us happier, more productive, and that radically improves Minimalism.

They expect 3 months of work now to consolidate the entire brand message and continue improving the numbers. Surprises are coming.

If you have any questions or want to ask something, you can write to us at hola@minimalism.es, we usually reply within 24 hours.

July 04, 2019


Puerto said:

Muy interesante todo y os sigo pero. Olmo dice el otro compañero no veo l rentabilidad a no ser que los sueldos sean de monedas del monopoli 🙂🙂🙂… sería interesante ver cómo lo hacéis … gracias y no paréis de luchar y comentarlo con todos .. un saludo

Minimalism said:

Buenas Adrián! si la empresa es rentable. De todas formas haremos un post sobre rentabilidad que seguro trae movimiento.

Un saludo!
Equipo Minimalism

Adrián said:


os sigo desde el principio de minimalism, y admiro vuestra gestión. Mi pregunta es directa y basada en los datos de facturación y gasto en MK que indicáis, a falta del resto de gastos y aún suponiendo margenes de 3 cifras, ¿a día de hoy la empresa es rentable?

Un saludo

ivan said:

Enhorabuena por este post de transparencia, enorme Victor.

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