Today we are taking another step forward in our policy of corporate transparency. It may seem trivial, but for us every detail is important and decisive. Since April, in all the product pages on this website you can find the price of each item and pack explained and broken down.

Starting this week , we have also incorporated an internal label into garments (for now only sweatshirts , hoodies and t-shirts ) where you can see the costs of materials, manufacturing, packaging, logistics and the gross margin of that garment. We have taken advantage of the mandatory washing and care label so as not to have to produce a new one.

This decision has not been easy for us, as we have had to let go of some things we have learned. But we think it is the most fair, honest and conscious thing to do.

We want you to have all the information and make an informed purchase. We think it is essential to give you this type of information. We even dare to say that in several years it will be something that any customer will be in high demand before making any purchase. The time has come to transform the opacity that has taken hold in the textile industry.

Here you can also see a video showing how and where we make our garments in Portugal.

Thank you very much. A big hug from the whole team.


October 23, 2020


Carlos Goga said:

Lo que llamáis “gross profit” se entiende mejor como “contribution margin” porque es la contribución del producto a todo lo que no son costes directos: gastos generales, inversiones, financiación y beneficio.
Llamarlo “profit” es confuso.
En cualquier caso, enhorabuena por la iniciativa. Os adoro.
Abrazo fuerte

Maite said:

Opino igual que Brenda, ojalá esto sea un ejemplo para muchas más marcas. ¡Gracias por inspirarnos y por ser tan honestos!

Maite said:

Opino igual

Enda Breslin said:

Fantastic, and BRAVE initiative. I hope more brands will follow your lead in being disruptive.

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