
Illustrator, designer, creative, artist... we want to launch a capsule collection with you and we're going to pay you for it.

It is not the first time that we have launched exclusive designs on our shirts, we have done it with Lucreativo , 72kilos , Timo Kuilder , Rocío Egio , Jose Antonio Roda , Guajiro Bampo ... but this time we are looking for you.

We don't care who you are, what you do or how many followers you have. What we want is to use our brand to speak for your work.


There is one thing that we are going to ask you, we want you to work hard and show us your desire to have your shirt. In fact, your involvement when moving your project will be key for your design to see the light since it will be the community that values ​​the projects.

How will we do it:

  • [CLOSE] 🔒🔴 PHASE 0 "Download the resources": In the following file link you will find the necessary resources to start: photoshop and illustrator files with our extended white t-shirt and some reference measurements.
  • [CLOSE] 🔒🔴 PHASE 1 "Submit your project": You have 15 days, from May 26 to June 9, to submit your application. You must fill out the form to the best of your ability. The more you work it the better. Mockups, photos, videos, texts... that will go on your product file, and where the community can vote for your project.

  • [CLOSE] 🔒🔴 PHASE 2 "Voting" : From June 10 to June 30. Once all the projects are uploaded, the voting begins. You will have to move your project everywhere, networks, friends, family... make people vote, that your design sees the light depends on these votes.

We will be communicating through channels such as Instagram the course of the voting and we will choose the 3 most voted projects that will see the light on our website.


  • [CLOSE] 🔒🔴 PHASE 3 "Presale" : The chosen projects will be put on presale for about two weeks (from July 4 to 22) on our website and will be manufactured and shipped to customers.

How much will I earn if my shirt sees the light:

We will pay you €250 for the design and you will get 10% of all sales of your shirt. For example, if 100 t-shirts are sold at €25, you will get = 2,500 x 10% = €250 including taxes + €250 initial = €500*


Bases. Things you need to know to participate:

(🙇 check this please, it's important, we don't want bad messes)

  • Action reserved for artists . If you are a brand, do not present a design that you are already marketing through other channels...
  • Shirt color: White .
  • Maximum two flat colors (TWO COLORS) , without gradients. Does white equal ink? No, since the shirt is white, that area would be "reserved", that is, no ink would be applied to it. Can I put several shades of the same color? Different shades equal different inks, so if you put in two shades of green, for example, you couldn't put in more colors.
  • Illustrations, iconography, images... the design is yours. Vector format (.ai or .svg). Important: if you are going to include fonts in your design, do not forget to trace them (Text > Create outlines)
  • Design on the front of the shirt.
  • We will not post anything that is obscene, political, or religious in nature. Proposals that differ greatly from the values ​​of Minimalism or that may be copyrighted by third parties will also not be published . Themes that can inspire you: nature, sustainability, healthy living, minimalism...
  • 1 project per person, choose your best option.
  • You can use a nickname for your work. Of course, the mail you let be the one you read from time to time.
  • We will use our Newsletter and our social networks to publicize your work.
  • You can participate from anywhere in the world 🌎
  • T-shirts will only be available for sale to the countries we now sell/ship to .
  • The authors of the finalist works will transfer the rights of use and distribution of the same during the course of the "Blank Canvas" campaign, in order to be applied in the "White Shirt" physical support. The rest of the designs will not be used for anything.

If you have any questions leave it in the comments and we will answer as soon as possible
😚 Thank you for being part of this 😚

May 26, 2022


Minimalism said:

(Comentario editado) [En respuesta a Alex] Solo se subirá a la ficha de producto el mockup que facilitamos nosotros y el video en CUALQUIER FORMATO DE VIDEO (video no obligatorio)

Sara said:


Estaba editando mi vídeo y he visto que se subirá en formato gif. ¿Significa esto que tiene que ser un vídeo corto y sin sonido? ¿Cuál es la duración máxima?

Un saludo,


Minimalism said:

[En respuesta a Alicia] La propuesta se entregará en formato vectorial para que no haya problemas en la futura aplicación del diseño en la camiseta.

Minimalism said:

[En respuesta a Luna] Como la camiseta es blanca, no se emplearía tinta blanca (se reservaría ese espacio). El negro sí es considerado una tinta, por lo que amarillo + azul + negro no cumpliría lo exigido en las bases.

Alex said:

Hola, ya he presentado mi candidatura pero al adjuntar el zip no inclui otros mockups de la prenda pensando que me los pediria más adelante. Podria incluirlos de alguna manera?

Luna said:

Dos colores contando el blanco y negro? Es decir, sería posible amarillo + azul + negro?

Alicia said:

Hola! No se admiten diseños en blanco/negro (no escala de grises) en formato psd?
Un saludo!

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