We are not big fans of sales, we are not going to lie to you.

If we stick to the concept of "sales" and the reason why they were created, we are talking about the period in which brands get rid of the remaining stock of each season.

This is where the inconsistency between this term and our brand lies. We stick to timeless products, responsible consumption and fair prices . We are based on slow fashion, quality basics, manufactured sustainably and that last longer than average.

We sincerely believe that our prices are fair. To calculate them we base them on the materials we use, the manufacturing of each product, the people employed in the process and the distribution of each order.

To adjust them, we decided a few months ago to promote the sale of all our products in packs , having a more affordable price for the consumer and reducing the footprint we leave in the distribution of each order.

On the other hand, we are aware that we are an emerging company (less than 2 years old) and that the brand concept, its reliability, the quality of the products and its values ​​still need to be more widely understood by our customers.

For this reason, just as we do with our closest environment, we have decided to apply a small discount on our prices.

We don't really know if we'll do more sales, if we'll move all the offers to the packs or if we'll never change our fixed prices again, but today we've done this little campaign that will last a couple of days.

If something you've read resonates with you, if you want to try our products, if what we have to say interests you... you can proceed with your order, it may be our last sale.

If you have any questions or want to ask something, you can write to us at hola@minimalism.es, we usually reply within 24 hours.

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July 18, 2019

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